Lori Haws
Lori Haws
Registered Kinesiologist
Certified Matrix Repatterning Practitioner

Matrix Repatterning

Matrix Repatterning is a form of manual therapy that can restore structural balance to the body by eliminating pain at the molecular level. The physical effects of past injuries such as falls, impacts and sport injuries are absorbed through the dense structures of the body. These dense structures include, the bones of the skeleton and fluid filled organs. The cells within these structures can expand and become rigid with an injury. We call this a 'primary restriction'. A primary restriction causes the surrounding muscles, ligaments, joints and other soft tissues to become strained and painful.

After an injury has occurred the area of the primary restriction may be painless but the problem or strains show up in the parts of the body that is compensating for the primary injured area. We will locate these 'restricted' areas of tension and release them through a gentle containment pressure. Matrix Repatterning can unravel layers of injury that have accumulated through years of sport and bring lasting pain relief, bringing the body back into balance to help you perform at your optimal level!

Lori will be working every Tuesday.

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The Concussion Matrix

The Concussion Matrix is a program put together for individuals who are suffering from Concussion and Post Concussion Syndrome. Includes a Brain Gauge Assessment which is a cognitive assessment tool that measures brain health by testing sensory perceptions in your finger tips. It measures 8 essential components of brain health: speed, focus, accuracy, sequencing, timing perception, plasticity and connectivity.

The follow up Includes a treatment as well as 'concussion coaching'. Looking at the fundamentals of brain health: movement, nutrition, sunlight, grounding, hydration etc.

Lori will be working every Tuesday.

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